Deborah Rawson Memorial Library partners with the University of Vermont (UVM) Extension Master Gardener Program. A dedicated group of volunteers, led by Susan Adams, plants and maintains our gardens. The library is an approved Master Gardener site, so people needing to complete their hours of community service for certification can volunteer here. Vegetables grown in the library’s garden are donated to local food shelves and to Jeri-Hill Independent Living complex.
Pictured above, left to right, are Master Gardeners Dianna Dunn, Nancy Karlson, Susan Adams, Trish Kargman, Sue Cromwell, and Suzanne Freitas in April 2024.
For information about volunteering in our gardens, call the library at 802-899-4962 or email [email protected]
Master Gardener’s Composting Program
Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law of 2020 bans food scraps from trash. To help support this law, the UVM Master Gardeners, working with Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, launched a composting project.
There is a compost bin in the library’s garden constructed of wooden pallets, two boards, nails, outdoor-grade zip ties, and plastic posts. The plans for this simple project are available at the library.
Feel free to visit the garden, or stop by on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 11 while the Master Gardeners are working. They would be happy to answer your questions.
Annual Garden Tea